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Rubicon Trail August 2003 ROC Tour
and FOTR Work Weekend

It was an awesome weekend. FOTR put in over 700 hours of volunteer time. Over 50 folks showed up for the projects (signing and concrete work). Thanks to all of you who were able to show up, sent donations, or just offered moral support. It all counts. :)

Organization is part of every FOTR work project. Signing in and keeping track of our hours is how we help our business and government partners get grant money to keep our trail open and maintained.

Jack Sweeney, El Dorado County Supervisor, and Mark Smith, Jeep Jamboree, cogitate on the Gatekeeper during the Rubicon Oversight Committee (ROC) Tour of the trail.

The Little Sluice bypass area BEFORE. Many rigs roll over here and our job was to make this bypass an acceptable and safe route for vehicles who don't wish to negotiate the Little Sluice.

Little Sluice bypass AFTER. Four and a half tons of rock, and 130 bags of cement later, the bypass is done. Notice there are still more difficult obstacles (off to the side) even on the bypass for the adventuresome. Rigs with moderate modifications can easily make this bypass by staying on the new line in the middle.

The new Rubicon Trail sign.

As seen from the trail, the new Rubicon Trail sign as hung by the Sign Team during the work weekend, about 20 feet up the tree. This height makes the sign viewable from quite a ways back, prevents vandalism and establishes the surveyed route of the trail.

Another view of the new Rubicon Trail sign.

One of my past sponsors, Jack Lancaster, Tellico4x4.Com, is from Alabama, and he jumped in to help the Sign Team during the work weekend.  He also got to see the trail from air, courtesy of Mark Smith. Mark also donated the concrete and had it flown to the work site by copter. Jack was thoroughly impressed with our trail efforts. Mark really helped make this weekend happen.

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