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Getting Involved in Land Use and Access Issues

Are you looking for information on land use, conservation, closures, and/or getting involved in keeping our public lands open to public access?

Are you trying to figure out what clubs/groups you should join or support? Here (below) is the simple formula and step by step actions you can take.

See the rebuild of Del's Jeep


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Del speaks out on U-Tube about our public lands and what to do

You came to the right spot. Here I'll give you a head start on moving around the Internet and the multiple-use world to find out where to look for "stuff."

Keep reading and email me if you need help...

Join everything you can afford to join. Join your State or Regional Association. And Join a local club. That is how we will win more battles and stay in the game longer. JOIN Now.  It's critical to our survival that we all join what we can afford to join. Del

Del's Jeep Rebuild (photos)

Note: if you write me and ask what you can do to help prevent road closures, you'll get this answer as step 1:

      • Join your local club (four-wheel drive, snowmobile, atv, motorcycle, equestrian, whatever your interest may be).
      • Join your regional/state club (in CA such as CA4WDC).
      • Join a national organization.

    Get the point? Join! Pay your dues to an organization that fits what you think is doing the right thing. Support them with money and your volunteer time. It takes dues and membership to make something happen. That's where it all begins. Honestly, if you can't go to meetings, just send money (dues, contributions, etc.). Be part of organized multiple-use to show the public what we're really made of.

    It'll be those of us in organized recreation that eventually give us a credible image.

Then, step 2, advocate for your sport. Do things like speak up to your family and friends. Even do more than just talk: "Adopt" your local fed (USFS Ranger or BLM Manager).

    The "Adopt-a-Ranger" idea comes from my friend and compadre, Tom Crimmins (USFS ret.). Tom is a trails consultant who used to work in the OHV efforts of the Forest Service. He tells me that recreationists by far are out-numbered when it comes to being a familiar face around federal office buildings. Environmental radicals, on the other hand, are well known.

    So that means we gotta get our faces in the offices of our local federal land managers and get to know them on a first name basis. Take them on club runs. Take them on rides. Go with them on field trips.

    Get on their mailing list. Schedule coffee or morning break informal meetings with them. Make a "friend" in the office who can keep you posted on office activities that might be appropriate for you to be a part of (somebody's retirement or a building dedication or luncheon or whatever). Go on field trips where possible, such as OHV grant proposal projects. Be part of their local list of contacts when "input" is needed to a decision. "Adopt" them as one of your own.

Step 3. Recruit and include others to do the same things you’re doing.
    We've got to re-establish our image (motorized recreationists of all types), so the public sees that we're really the good guys. We are the true conservationists and environmentalists. The opponents to off pavement motorized recreation have developed our image for us: they make us look like we're bad guys (see Image article). We've got to change that. We've got to police ourselves also.

    It takes all of us working together and doing our part. We need to build membership in organized recreation by recruiting anyone and everyone who has an interest in keeping public lands open to the public. Get others to write letters, adopt their local fed, and reach out to recruit even more folks.

    Step 4, do your part when it comes to expressing your opinion in writing to anyone and everyone that will listen. Write letters -- handwritten works just fine. But tell your elected officials what you believe in. Write them once a year at least. For everytime you go on a ride, write one letter (or make one phone call) -- my One for One proposal.

    It boils down to: JOIN, ADVOCATE, INCLUDE OTHERS, and LETTERS! If you're an acronym kind of person, you'll have noted that the above steps spell out "JAIL." Our public lands don't belong in jail, behind bars!

      So, now, when do you start joining and getting involved?

    These are just my suggestions and this page will be updated as needed.
    IF you want to join a national/regional organization, or specialty group, start with these links:

    If you want to find out about a particular group or topic, call up your web browser or search program, and do an internet search.

    If you want to see more of my writings, do an Internet search of me (Del Albright), or try the CA4WDC Home Page and scroll down to Environmental Affairs.

More Menu to Choose From:

FLPMA NEPA Start A Club Wilderness
Getting involved Start a Coalition All About Access Politics and Politicians
Understanding Our Opponents Your Own OHV Park Influence My Elected Officials Get some leadership training
Be part of the nationwide SEMA network to stay informed and help protect our access. Click here

Feel free to write me if you have additional questions or need any help.
Thanks and keep recreating on your public lands, DEL

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