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Crescent Wrench & Creeper


A Crescent Wrench and a Creeper
Tips for Maintenance of an Off Road Rig

By Del Albright, BlueRibbon Ambassador, CA4WDC Env. Affairs

Nothing slows down the fun like a mechanical failure, no matter your choice of off-road recreation.  Fixing stuff on the trail can be fun; but usually it’s a pain and is never done as well as it would have been in the shop.  The best solution is to prevent the breakdowns!  It’s all about preventative maintenance if you want to maximize your fun and minimize the down time.  Here are some tips.

When it comes to 4x4’s, (Jeeps, trucks, toys, buggies, etc.), it’s as simple as a crescent wrench and a creeper.  It may sound a bit simplistic, but it’s about getting under the rig and touching and checking for lose, broken, about to break or leaking stuff!  Find it before it’s a problem.  For side by sides, ATV’s, snowmobiles, etc., it’s more about the touching and looking, but the idea is the same. More here.

Read/download entire article here (.doc or .pdf)

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