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Friends of the Rubicon (FOTR)
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Get Involved!

To help save trails and our sport, here are things you can do:

JOIN every group you can afford to join.

ADVOCATE for your sport and talk it up.

INCLUDE others, like politicians and friends in what you love to do.

LETTERS -- write to your elected officials, tell them how you feel and what you want for our recreation. Be a voice.

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(FOTR Leadership)

Friends of the Rubicon (FOTR) is an informal coalition of groups and individuals dedicated to keeping the Rubicon Trail open and available to all recreationists. We are working with Placer County, El Dorado County, the USFS, private businesses, many organized recreation groups, and other land management agencies to ensure our famed Rubicon Trail remains as one of our crown jewels of motorized and mechanized recreation.

You can join our effort simply by joining us to get on the FOTR email list and by reading these web pages.

Del Albright is the Trail Boss of FOTR and has been since the inception of FOTR in 2001.  More here.


Our organization is based on the Recreational Incident Command System and we are developing our leadership as we grow. We have one Trail Boss and lots of project helpers (Team Leaders and such). It is our organization combined with our commitment that has made FOTR one of the most formidable coalitions ever formed.

RubiconTrail.Org is our non-profit c.3 partner.

Even though we're in informal coalition of Rubicon Trail users, we have elected Del Albright to be our FOTR Trail Boss. He is also our single point of contact for local, state and federal government agency personnel on Rubicon matters. All FOTR members coordinate with Del and we keep each other informed whenever something is happening on the Rubicon. Email Del if you have questions.



Per an email ballot of the Friends of the Rubicon (FOTR), I have been elected to be the FOTR Trail Boss. My job includes: 1) keeping everyone informed; 2) maintain the FOTR mailing list; 3) organize the volunteer effort to keep the Rubicon maintained and open to all users; 4) coordinate with all interested parties and groups (including commercial users); and 5) be the single point of contact for Placer County and other governement agencies.

All decisions, directions, work, communications will go through me so I can keep everyone up to date and informed. The idea here is to have one person involved in all aspects of the trail planning and work so that nothing slips through the cracks.

On the Placer County side, Sharon Boswell will be our single point of contact so that the County can also keep things well orchestrated on their side. We are confident this will make a smooth working relationship for the volunteer workers, trail users and County staff.

CA4WDC, BlueRibbon Coalition, United FWDA, Pirates of the Rubicon, and many other clubs, groups and individuals have gotten behind this effort and are supporting me in leading the Friends of the Rubicon. I appreciate that and look forward to your support.


Go here for more on getting involved in access and land use in general.

Directory for Rubicon Pages FOTR - About Us
Hotels Sign Me Up (FOTR)
Restaurants (nearby) Work Days?
Maps When to Run?
Books (About the trail) ROC Group
Directions to Trail Heads Jurisdiction (over trail)
Vehicle Minimum Upgrades? Sponsors of FOTR
Sanitation (Toilets) Rubicon Springs
Trail Ethics (Rules) Donating to the trail
Camping Trail Signs
Law Enforcement Pett Toilet System
Leave a Tow Trailer Parking Near Trail
Rent: Trail Guide/Rigs FAQ's & Directory
ATV's Jamboree Dates
Photos of FOTR At Work Trail Patrol


FOTR, the Friends of the Rubicon


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Copyright © 2000 - 2019 Del Albright, Albright Enterprises
All rights reserved. Use of material on this web site available by permission only.