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Empowering Leadership™, the new article series for leadership development, by Del Albright -- helping to lead volunteers to victory!

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“Empowering Leadership”
A series of articles in leadership devlopment

By Del Albright

Leadership is the most critical need we have in most volunteer organizations and clubs. Many people step up to the plate to be leaders, but most, if not all, are not provided training in how to be a leader of volunteers. This series of articles, "Empowering Leadership" offers help to the average person trying to develop a club that is fun to be part of with less conflct and in-fighting, while being more productive.

I suggest you tackle these articles one or two at a time, and read them over and over until the message strikes home and you find a way to apply the information to your club. Further, I suggest that you enroll in my online correspondence course for volunteer leaders -- the Recreational Leadership Training Course (RLTC).

Please feel free to email me with any leadership questions you might have.

Resolving Problems in Recreational Clubs

Leadership -- A Horse Harnessed Before All Others Avoiding Burnout The Recreational Incident Command System (RICS)
Club-- Starting and Maintaining Politics One for One Proposal
Getting Involved Tips for Writing Letters Dealing with Conflict
Debate vs. Decisions Personalities in Clubs Live Young -- Think Old (a lifestyle idea)
Manage Your Monkeys Run Better Meetings Strategic Planning
Coalition Building Our Image Facilitation

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