Del Albright - Land Use and Access, Rubicon Trail, & Volunteer Training Inspire, Motivate & Facilitate...

Starting a new club, page 2

Getting organized is the key to keeping public land use and access high on our list of options.

Step 1: Do your homework (like you're obviously doing) by following these links and getting your ducks in a row (booklets, handouts, etc. from these great organizations).

Step 2: Get the email addresses of all your friends and their friends that might want to be part of your club. Start emailing with them about issues in your area and why you need to think about getting organized.

Step 3: Get your friends together who recreate with you. Hold a meeting and let them know the importance of being organized as a way of keeping our trails open for the future.

Step 4: Start planning some events and runs. Follow the lead of other similar clubs as to bylaws, procedures, etc.

Step 5: Get involved in (join) your regional, state and national group that represents your interests best.

Step 6: Build a club web site if appropriate, as well as advertise in the local papers to get more members.

How do I build membership in my club now?

BlueRibbon Coalition Activist Tool Kit

American Motorcycle Association Booklets on starting clubs and getting involved.

National Off Highway Vehicle Conservation Council books, displays, and field visits.

How do I run better meetings so folks will come to my meetings?

How do I avoid burning out my volunteers?

What about leadership in the recreation world?

How do I teach people to get involved in land use and access?

What about dealing with bureaucracy and bureaucrats?

What organizations should I join?

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