Support FOTR and the Rubicon at the same time. This sticker is for everyone who has done the Rubicon Trail. Each purchase provides a percentage to FOTR. |
Donate to help Del directly with the Access and Rubicon Trail efforts. | : |
If you want to donate to the El Dorado lawsuit situation, Eldorado National Forest Lawsuit (Rock Creek, Rubicon and other trails) BLUERIBBON COALITION AND CAL4WHEEL (CA4WDC), ALONG WITH SOME OTHER GROUPS HAVE TEAMED UP TO FIGHT THE LAWSUIT FILED AGAINST THE ELDORADO NATIONAL FOREST (INCLUDING THE ROCK CREEK AND RUBICON TRAILS). WE NEED DONATIONS TO THE BLUE RIBBON LEGAL ACTION FUND TO FIGHT THIS. If you're a CA4WDC member and would like to contribute to their legal fund, you can do that too. BUT DO SOMETHING, NOW! You can download and view the entire lawsuit and the web site of the Calif. Assoc. of 4Wheel Drive Clubs (home page) at www.cal4wheel.com. Please send your lawsuit donation, no matter how small or large, to:
You can also send it to me and I'll forward it if you like. If you want to donate in some other way, please read on. You can donate to Friends of the Rubicon directly, BUT..... YOU CAN'T WRITE ME (DEL) OFF. FOTR AND DEL ARE NOT IRS EXEMPT, 501C.3 OR ANY THING LIKE THAT. IF YOU SEND ME MONEY IT'S BECAUSE YOU TRUST ME TO PUT IT TO GOOD USE in SAVING OUR TRAILS. Checks should be made out to Del Albright. If you want to donate to FOTR by PayPal, please use this link and make the payee Del Albright (jeepndel@goldrush.com) If you've decided to just support FOTR (not a write off), and you are paying by check, please address your check to: Del Albright Or get a write off and donate to the Rubicon Trail Foundation here.
CLICK HERE to go to the Work Sign Up Form for the Rubicon Trail work weekends. Work is being laid out. Plans are being made. Jump in and join up! NOTE: while we are not associated with any of the commercial trips that run the Rubicon, we do work with them in the repair and maintenance of the trail. Many, many thanks to Lake Tahoe Adventures (ATV), Mark Smith, JeepJamboree, USA, and Dan/Richard Mainwaring, Jeepers Jamboree, Inc., for their generous support and donations of time, personnel, funds and equipment throughout the existence of FOTR.
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